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Vanbar Imaging

ILFORD Ilfocolr400+ VT 3x36 35mm C41 film New (04C-I400-336)

$79.00(AUD inc. Tax)

35mm 36 exp 3 roll pack

Ilford Ilfocolour 400 is a professional quality colour negative film. It has an ISO speed of 400, which makes it suitable for shooting in low light conditions, or when using flash with daylight balanced film. A wide exposure latitude ensures you’ll get great results even in tricky lighting situations, while 24 exposures per roll means that you can shoot longer without changing film.

Product Features in Detail

Ilford Ilfocolour 400 Vintage Tone 135mm 24exp Colour Film
Versatile, high quality film with a classic look. It is designed to be used in 35mm cameras and produces vibrant colours when developed using standard developers. The ISO rating of 400 allows you to shoot in low light conditions but still get good exposure times. This film has a traditional look which makes it ideal for portraits or landscapes.


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